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Chemotion Electronic Laboratory Notebook

Chemotion is an Open Source Electronic Laboratory Notebook for chemical researchers. The Chemotion ELN is equipped with the basic functionalities necessary for the acquisition and processing of chemical data, in particular the work with molecular structures and calculations based on molecular properties. The ELN allows the search for molecules and reactions not only within the user’s data but also in conventional external sources as provided by SciFinder and PubChem. The ELN provides tools to share data in the Chemotion Data Repository. More information available at: Tremouilhac, P., Nguyen, A., Huang, Y. et al. Chemotion ELN: an Open Source electronic lab notebook for chemists in academia. J Cheminform 9, 54 (2017).

DataWiz Knowledge Base

The knowledge base’s of the DataWiz is a complete RDM guideline for Psychology research to support or complement the use of the DataWiz data management tool. The content is structured in three sections: before, during and after data collection & analysis. The first section covers data management planning as well as the various legal and ethical aspects related to data management. The second section focuses on best practices and tips for handling and documenting data during research. Finally, the last section focuses on how to share and preserve data at the end of the project.

Persistent Identifiers ANDS guides

The Australian National Data Service has developed three guides about Persistent Identifiers for three different types of users. The basic guide focus on awareness level and explains the basics about PIDs. The working level guide expands on the basic, going into technical and policy details. The expert level guide is intended to provide in-depth understanding for research administrator and technical staff on how to set up a PID infrastructure.

Data repository finder

Utrecht University has created a simple decision-tree tool that helps researchers to choose a generic repository that best fits their needs. To do so, criteria such as restriction of access and cost of the repository are taken into account.

Curated list of publishers data availability requirements

Radboud University has created a spreadsheet which lists the journals (and respective publisher) where their affiliated researchers publish more frequently. For each publisher a categorized list of data availability requirements is given (e.g. “Obligatory”, “Encouraged”, “Upon request”, “Optional as supplementary material”). In the spreadsheet, a link to the publisher’s policy page for additional details is provided.

Grouping funder and journal policies

The University of Bochum groups all the funder and journal policies in a succinct page which provides links to external resources where guidelines are provided in detail.