The EOSC-Pillar consortium covers France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Belgium, which are among the European countries
that are supposed to bring major contribution to the co-building of the EOSC, thanks to their relevant national
resources related to open science. They are key players in the fields of Research and Data Infrastructures,
e-Infrastructures, HPC and are investing considerable resources in research and innovation. The consortium was built
with two objectives in mind:
Facilitating the liaison with budding national initiatives for the coordination of data and open science
services, which are at the heart of the project concept.
Ensuring the complementarity of competences and expertise, while including the point of view of the key
stakeholders represented in the national initiatives (namely involving key research communities alongside
e-Infrastructures and data service providers).
Involvement of National Initiatives
Majority of the consortium is built up by key members of the Italian, French, and German initiatives while the
Austrian and Belgian partners are at the forefront of the evolution of similar initiatives in their countries.
Therefore, they are well placed to have a direct impact on the open science and data strategies, the technical and
policy decisions, and the engagement of stakeholders in their country.
Participation of Research Communities and Stakeholders
In relation to the second aspect, the members of the consortium can approximately be divided in three categories:
large research organisations, data producers and maintainers, e-Infrastructures’ owners and maintainers, while some
of the larger organisations belong to more than one of these categories (e.g. CNR and CNRS). In particular, the
consortium benefits from the participation of several mature scientific communities that will be involved in all
phases of service implementation, starting from the design. In our opinion, this marks an important difference in
comparison to more technology-driven approaches, that while not necessarily wrong, may well find difficulties in
tailoring the proposed solutions to the live research communities who should use them.
Consortium Partner
GARR is the Project Coordinator of EOSC-Pillar. It coordinates and manages the project, supports
national initiatives, and provides services for academia and research.
Leading the work on the development, operation and training of common tools for coordinated FAIR
research data provisioning and for transparent access to them. CNR also leads the development of
National service registries.
CINECA will mainly contribute to the infrastructure layer work in EOSC-Pillar, particularly in the
design, integration and operation in federated services.
INFN will support the integration of national/regional services with their EOSC-hub
counterparts, support the consolidation of national initiatives; lead the work on providing guidance
and procedures for integrating services.
INFN will also provide support to the delivery of the Use Case on exploring reference
data through existing computing services for the bioinformatics community. INFN will
also work on extending national services at European level, to improve findability and
interoperability of heritage science data across Europe and will aggregate research
communities to establish a Europe-wide heritage science cloud-based knowledge base.
INFN will also lead the work on integrating heterogenous data on cultural heritage.
CMCC contributes to the community outreach activities and promotion of FAIR practices while
also contributing to the national service registry.
Contribution to the involvement of user communities and scientific data services in the
testing and
fine- tuning of the solutions proposed. CMCC will also contribute to the use case
on Agile FAIR
data for environment and earth system communities.
UNIVIE manages the work on the National Initiatives Survey of EOSC-Pillar. They also provide data and
structured information for academia and research, analysis of outcomes of survey and its
CINES leads the overall technical management of EOSC-Pillar. They will also define common tools and
frameworks to describe, enroll and support national service or data providers.
Their activities will
enable the shift from national to international scale, when a service is adopted by a
wider community.
CNRS leads the overall work of EOSC-Pillar on delivering the Infrastructure Layer, delivering
horizontal data storage and computing services, from national to transnational.
evolve national services to make them available on European level to a
broad range of
communities and enable the transnational uptake of services.
CNRS also evaluates existing business models and provides recommendations for
the EOSC.
INRAE supports the work of EOSC-Pillar on its infrastructure layer and use cases by providing data and
data services that have to be integrated in the EOSC data ecosystem
INRIA leads the delivery of one of the use cases dealing with software source code deposit, access, and
preservation integration into EOSC eTDR.
IFREMER contributes to evaluating existing business models and that provide
for the EOSC.
IFREMER will also support the evolution of national and European marine
services to
make them available on a European level to a broad range of communities.
Additionally, their work
also enables the transnational uptake of services.
INSERM connects FAIR principles to the requirements and specificities of the health research domain
through leading the delivery of a use case (Exploring reference data through existing computing
services for the bioinformatics community) and contributing to other use cases.
INSERM also contributes
to EOSC-Pillar's work on establishing FAIR data services at the national and
transnational level
and delivering horizontal data storage and computing services.
KIT leads the EOSC-Pillar work on access policies, authorization and authentication models, privacy and
legal, policy and legal framework, delivery of Training modules on FAIR-oriented research data
management tools and solutions, launch and management of the Open Call for additional services or use
cases and integration of national services and federated service management.
DKRZ contributes to several use cases on climate data use case and infrastructure experience,as
well as the implementation of relevant RDA recommendations. DKRZ also contributes to the work on
EOSC-Pillar's common tools and mechanisms for FAIR research data consumers with its EUDAT B2FIND
Fraunhofer's work deals with cross domain Interoperability based on ontology, integrating domain and
regional data resources. They lead EOSC-Pillar's work on establishing FAIR data.
Additionally Fraunhofer is also involved in contributing towards common access to
repositories, ontology training, and enforce data provenance for thematic communities
and beyond.
GFZ leads the work on two use cases: suitable data formats for seismological big data provisioning
via web services and Virtual definition of big datasets at seismological data centres according
to RDA recommendations.
They also support the work on promoting the adoption of FAIR data practices for
Earth sciences
by means of suitable services to define virtual datasets and encourages the application
of proper FAIR Management of Big Data for existing data services.
UGent leads the work on EOSC-Pillar's helpdesk and documentation for promoting FAIR practices and
support to FAIR-oriented data stewardship.
They also contribute to the dissemination, outreach and
community building activities, the National initiatives Survey, research data management
and support for the work on legal frameworks.
Trust-IT manages EOSC-Pillar 's communications strategy and stakeholder engagement. It leads the
Dissemination, Outreach and Community-building work package.
It also supports the Project Office as it leads the innovation management activity.
also contributes to the National Initiatives Survey and National Initiatives to
Services work packages.
The EOSC-Pillar third and final annual report is now available on Zenodo, wrapping up 42 months of collaboration by taking a look back at our Final Conference, held in Paris in October 2022, and reflecting on our main contributions to the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy.
In the new season of the podcast series Stories of Data: Open.Science.Talk, our representatives from the Horizon 2020 project EOSC-Pillar discuss the present and future of EOSC with a focus on EOSC-Pillar contributions, interviewing project partners and guests about all sorts of topics.
We are proud to announce that the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry, one of the thematic services supported by EOSC-Pillar, has been awarded one of the Open Science - Open Data prizes, granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Science.