We are proud to announce that the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry, one of the thematic services supported by EOSC-Pillar, has been awarded one of the Open Science - Open Data prizes, granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research for the first time within the category “Creating the conditions for data reuse”.
On Friday 8th July 2022, the prizes were announced in a ceremony led by the French Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau. Laura Morales, Professor at Sciences Po in Paris, received the prize consisting of a trophy and a 5,000€ fund to contribute to the maintenance of the Registry, on behalf of the EthmigSurveyData team.
“I wish to thank the EOSC-Pillar project for the support they provided to render the EMM Survey Registry visible on the EOSC Portal.” - Laura Morales
In the frame of EOSC-Pillar (more precisely WP6), an open call for thematic services had been launched back in 2020 with the aim of widening the EOSC service offering. The new services are supported by experts of EOSC-Pillar to join the EOSC ecosystem.
In total six applications were selected as new use cases to be mentored within EOSC-Pillar.
The EMM Survey Registry was precisely one of those services. Jointly developed by the COST Action 16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, the H2020 project SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) and the French ANR project FAIRETHMIGQUANT, it is a free online service for discovering and learning about existing quantitative surveys undertaken with EMM (sub)populations in Europe and beyond. It offers detailed and structured metadata for each of the surveys it documents.
The EMM Survey Registry has two interfaces: the front-end and back-end. The front-end is where all the metadata is made available for discovery, access, and re-use. The back-end is where the metadata itself is managed and is where new metadata can be directly contributed to the EMM Survey Registry. The registry is intended for anyone interested in learning about and/or using quantitative survey data on EMMs’ integration and/or inclusion, such as (non)academic researchers and policymakers. It is also of interest for data producers of quantitative surveys with EMM respondents.
To learn more about the EMM Survey Registry, you can view these introductory videos.
The EMM Survey Registry is also available via the EOSC Portal.