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RDM requirements per research phase

The University of Ghent summarises all the RDM requirements per funder and grouped into four categories: during proposal stage, post-award data management plan, covering data management costs and data sharing and/or preservation requirements.

Harmonised overview of policies and regulations

The University of Bath has elaborated a page with UKRI and other major funder requirements, together with university policy requirements and national relevant legislation. For each funder, information is given in a set of harmonized sections: providing a DMP, recovering data management costs, providing data access statements, data sharing and data retention.

Curated list of funder requirements

The University of Bristol has compiled a curated list of funders’ requirements. They have opted for a standardized checklist of requirements, which covers aspects such as whether a DMP is required during the application, whether a repository is recommended by the funder, whether the compliance of the policy is monitored or not, what is the minimum preservation timeframe required, etc. For each of the funder, an extensive document with specific guidelines has been created.

Grouping funder and journal policies

The University of Bochum groups all the funder and journal policies in a succinct page which provides links to external resources where guidelines are provided in detail.