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The R workshops and the R café

Utrecht University organises regular workshops to teach R basics: data handling and visualisation, and making research reproducible with R and R Markdown. The R Café has a more informal set-up, where researchers with R programming skills can meet and learn from each other, or from prepared exercises.

Data Cleaning with Open Refine for Ecologists

Data Carpentry has developed this course of data pre-processing with Open Refine, an open tool to work with data. The course covers several topics such as error correction and data formatting and harmonization.

Data repository finder

Utrecht University has created a simple decision-tree tool that helps researchers to choose a generic repository that best fits their needs. To do so, criteria such as restriction of access and cost of the repository are taken into account.

Five steps to decide what to keep

The Digital Curation Centre has prepared a tool to guide researchers in their preservation strategy. Through a series of checklist, researchers are guided to reflect on what purposes the data could serve in the future, to consider what requirements they need to fulfill and what should be preserved according to the data reuse potential and its replicability. Finally, the costs of the preservation are considered to make a final decision.

Publishing and sharing sensitive data: guidelines and decision tree

ANDS has published a comprehensive guide about best practice for the publication and sharing of research data (in the Australian context). The guide helps researchers with the publishing phase of senstitive data with a step-by-step approach which covers several phases of the research data lifecycle. These steps are summarized in a decision tree.

Making a research project understandable - Guide for data documentation

The University of Helsinki created, upon request, a compact guide for researchers to help with research data documentation. It first introduces the basic elements of documentation, and then provides practical instructions and strategies to proceed with documentation during the research project, but also for the publishing phase.

Version control tools & techniques handout

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a series of file organization handouts. The handout for version control briefly summarise different techniques for version control and provides an overview of the main differences between automatic change log platforms and tools.

Version control with Git course

This course prepare by the Software Carpentry guides through how Git (and GitHub) can be used to manage versions during a project. It starts with the basics (setting up Git and creating a repository), and follows with practical guidelines to track changes, collaborate or resolve conflicts. It has also dedicated sections about the impact of version control on Open Science, licensing and citations.

Guidelines and examples of transcription of qualitative data

The UK Data Service has compiled a set of instructions and best practices to transcribe qualitative data from interviews. This guide seeks to provide advice to ensure methodological consistency and to increase the shareability and reuse of qualitative research data. It provides links to further instructions, examples and a template transcriber confidentiality agreement.

Data processing recommendations for Social Sciences

The CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) Data Management Expert guide provides a specific chapter about processing data, which includes tips and examples on topics such as quantitative and qualitative coding, adequate weights of survey data and data quality assurance.
