Seismological web services have been designed some years ago with particular types of user and data in mind, which are not exclusively what we see today. Disruptive techniques, generating data at much a finer resolution, compared to the standard seismic stations, are a challenge for data centres and users.
Despite seismology is an advanced and well organized discipline considering FAIR principles, these new datasets would make impossible to still use the same standard data formats and standard specifications for data provisioning services.
Our main aim in this Task is to keep FAIRness in this community through evaluating new data formats suitable for this use case, testing and implementing tailor made services where possible within the currently defined standards. We develop a package tool named dastools as a set of tools to read, manipulate and convert seismic waveforms generated by DAS systems.
Fig. 1: A fiber-optic cable in the seafloor; after Jousset, P., 2019, Science
The web service providing seismological data (Dataselect) is an international standard adopted by most of the seismological data centres. Data formats to be evaluated are also known internationally.
Some of the challenges we addressed through EOSC-Pillar are the following:
Thanks to EOSC-Pillar, as well as developments in previous EOSC projects, users of dastools will benefit from integration with other common services and infrastructure offered by EOSC-Pillar. For instance, the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) integrated in EIDA/ORFEUS and provided by the B2ACCESS service hosted by Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Another benefit due to the collaboration with Pillar partners will be the capability to process on the data centre side using the downsampled replica of these data.