EOSC-Pillar at the 2019 EOSC Symposium in Budapest
The EOSC Symposium, one of the largest European Open Science Cloud events, co-organized by the EOSCsecretariat and other initiatives such as EOSC-hub, GEANT, OpenAIRE and PRACE, took place from 26 to 28 November 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. Stakeholders contributed to the discussion on the implementation of EOSC throughout these intense and stimulating days.
Representatives from different Work Packages of EOSC-Pillar took part in the Symposium, providing useful insights for the EOSC Governance, its Working Groups, and other regional projects. Moreover, our poster was accepted and showcased in the poster area of the EOSC Symposium.
On Thursday 28, the project manager Fulvio Galeazzi from GARR took part in the Plenary Session 4 - EOSC as a Federation, focusing on what EOSC should federate from the perspective of EU Member States. Galeazzi offered an updated overview of the activities, highlighting such achievements as the national initiatives survey, as well as the fact that the survey questionnaire and methodology are currently available online. His full presentation is available here: "Contributions to the building of the EOSC federation".
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