As a part of the International Open Access Week 2020, Belgium universities are hosting a series of online webinars on 20 and 22 October. The 4 online presentations will cover different topics concerning Open Science aimed at research supporting staff and librarians interested in learning more about Open Science tools, training, Open Data and Open Science in practice.
EOSC-Pillar will take part in the webinar scheduled on 20 October at 10:30-11:30 CEST: Skills development for Open Science, introducing the new EOSC-Pillar Training and Support Catalogue.
EOSC Skills and Training working group – Sadia Vancauwenberg (EOSC Skills & Training WG, UHasselt): The EOSC Skills and Training Working Group will work on building competence (skills) and capabilities (training) for EOSC. The goal is to provide a framework for a sustainable training infrastructure to support EOSC in all its phases and ensure its uptake.
EOSC-Pillar Training and Support catalogue – Paula Oset Garcia (UGent): The EOSC-Pillar project gathers experience from national initiatives for coordinating data infrastructures and services. In this project, a catalogue of training and support material for FAIR and open data stewardship is being developed. The catalogue includes training materials as well as day-to-day, operational and readily available resources that can be used by data stewards to support researchers.
Sharing Open Data – Veerle Van den Eynden (KULeuven): Ms. Van den Eynden provides expertise, guidance and training on data management and data sharing to researchers. As an expert on data management, data sharing and data integration she will share insights on how to promote good data practices and optimize data sharing.
Please find the full programme of the Open Access Week Belgium.