Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST
EUA organised a webinar on 4 September to present the progress of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and to provide an occasion for the sector to discuss the initiative from a university perspective.
The EOSC is a major effort to connect research data services, such as storage, analysis and transfer, across Europe. The European Commission has stated that the EOSC "will enhance the possibilities for researchers to find, share and reuse publications, data, and software leading to new insights and innovations, higher research productivity and improved reproducibility in science.
The EOSC will be implemented through a cross-cutting European Partnership within Horizon Europe. The Commission has released a proposal for this European Partnership and the community at large (including EOSC-Pillar) contributed to the Open Consultation on the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda over the summer. Meanwhile, the EOSC Association was launched, currently evaluating applications from organisations.
EOSC-Pillar representative Inge Van Nieuwerburgh, Co-ordinator scholarly communication at Ghent University, took part in the discussion. She highlighted some of the main takeaways on universities from the National Initiatives survey, as well as key measures that can be taken to further promote Open Science and FAIR principles across the community.