EOSC-Pillar's Emilie Hermans (UGENT) will deliver a presentation on "EOSC Marketplace & Open and FAIR data practices for researchers and services" and featuring EOSC-Pillar in the 11th Focus Group Training on Open Science (Online Workshop) to be held online on 19-20 April 2021.
The specific slot is on 20 April 2021 at 10:30 EET (Istanbul Time) and will be delivered with Elli Papadopoulou (ATHENA RC). A presentation on "The Graph, Research Community Dashboards" under the session theme of scholarly communications will also be delivered by Alessia Bardi, National Research Council of Italy - CNR.
The event is organised under the “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project which is co-financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology within the scope of Competitive Sectors Programme.
The event is a 2-day intensive online workshop focusing mainly on researchers and other participants of Horizon Europe framework programme with little experience, as well as more experienced researchers that would like to learn about the new Horizon Europe Open Science initiatives and the management of research data.
The event will present the routes and mandates of Open Science publications and the necessary tools and repositories that can help the researchers adopt the FAIR principles.
The European Open Science Cloud is also presented along with best practices and instructions on how to prepare Data Management Plans. The sessions are structured in such a way to help participants grasp the fundamental concepts of Open Science and Research Data Management and learn how to best apply them in their own projects.
The content is enriched with presentations, training notes, curated literature from the EU, and useful templates.