The vision of 5 years ago has turned into a mission. The vision started the European Open Science Cloud that has become a major driver of the transition to Open Science. Today, EOSC is fulfilling its promise and will offer researchers in Europe a virtual environment with open and seamless services for data. There will be services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, accessible across borders and across scientific disciplines and communities. EOSC does so by federating existing data infrastructures from all over Europe. Data from large physical instruments will be as easy to access as data from a single lab at a university.
EOSC is a work in progress. In fact, in order to be beneficial for researchers, EOSC depends on their direct contribution: with data, with software, with services, with tools, with courses.
In this webinar you will hear about EOSC, what EOSC can mean for you and what you can do to support EOSC, with a focus on the case of Germany. The webinar is organised by the EOSC-Pillar project, one of four regional projects that were launched specifically to bring EOSC closer to national research organisations and national data infrastructures.
Part 1 - EOSC perspectives
Part 2 - EOSC-Pillar is your local gateway to access EOSC
Part 3 - Views from the experts on scientific services