Open Research Europe (ORE) is the new open access publishing platform launched by the European Commission. EC grantees are invited to publish original results stemming from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects in ORE, while the publishing cost will be fully covered by the EC. ORE offers an open and fully transparent publishing workflow, from pre-print sharing and high-quality open peer-review to enabling supporting data and materials citation for greater reproducibility and reuse.
This new platform will be presented in Italian on 11 March 2021 at 14:00 CET by Ilaria Fava, OpenAIRE Outreach Officer, and on 12 March 2021 at 14:00 CET by Michael Markie, F1000 Publishing Director responsible for ORE implementation. The two webinars are organised by the Italian ICDI Competence Center on Open Science, EOSC and FAIR data (learn more in our interview with EOSC Association Director Marialuisa Lavitrano).
The ORE platform will host original results stemming from research projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe with no costs for authors. The goal is to further support the transition to an open and sustainable scholarly communication model. In fact, ORE is fully compliant with EC Open Access and Open Science mandates and responds to the need for tools supporting Open Science best practices.
ORE will publish scientific contents in six domains: Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. For each domain, different forms of publications will be possible, from research articles to brief reports, from data papers to essays.
The webinar is designed for the research community participating in European Commission Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funding programme. It is dedicated to researchers at all career levels, research support staff, technicians, technologists willing to know more about the new publishing platform ORE, and how ORE is included and supports the European Commission Open Science strategies and policies.
The ICDI Competence Center (CC-ICDI) is a network of experts, initiatives and infrastructures with competences in the Open Science, FAIR data and EOSC at various levels. Training and support on relevant topics in the national and European context are one of the main activities of the CC-ICDI, which can count on the expertise and competencies available within research institutions, universities and thematic and horizontal research infrastructures.
Open Science Café
The Open Science cafè is a series of events designed to cover major topics and news from the Open Science world, dedicated to the Italian community. It aims at informing and discussing various aspects of Open Science in an informal way, in front of a coffee cup. Each event lasts for one hour and focuses on a specific theme, leaving enough time for discussion with the audience.
Learn more about ICDI in our interview with EOSC Association Director Marialuisa Lavitrano