The three Horizon 2020 projects EOSC-hub, FREYA and SSHOC are joining forces in shaping the EOSC.
They are inviting social science and humanities researchers, data experts, research funders, policymakers, and representatives from research infrastructures, service providers, research libraries and archives, the EOSC Ecosystem, and ESFRI Cluster projects to join the online event and find out what is available and how to get involved.
The main objectives of our four-day programme are to:
Through interactive sessions, expert panels, live demonstrations, and discussions, the event will cover:
The EOSC Projects EXPO showcases some of the latest developments towards “realising a European Open Science Cloud” from the many initiatives and projects that are working together towards the same goal.
The exhibition, as a complement to the Realising the EOSC conference programme, is expected to be a platform gathering all the EOSC players together for four days of knowledge exchange, the creation of potential synergies, and networking.
EOSC-Pillar will have a virtual booth at the event, taking this opportunity offered to EOSC-related projects to showcase their results, learn how to use the EOSC and FAIR tools for improving Open Science, as well as fostering citizen science and collaboration with industry.