The EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing services recently published a key deliverable, describing the methodology adopted to assess the maturity level of services from the service delivery perspective and the outcome of the internal analysis of 17 services provided by EOSC-Pillar.
The team's approach to assess the maturity of the services delivered in EOSC-Pillar was to require each service provider to fill a checklist template with all the defined requirements to be considered in order to deliver a good service and satisfy users needs. The maturity model assessment tool of the EOSC-Nordic regional project (part of the INFRAEOSC-05 collaboration) was used as a starting point.
EOSC-Pillar added data repository requirements specific to data repository owners or managers who are offering data repository as a service, and then also introduced a specific score taking only into account the positive answers to requirements considered as mandatory. As a result, the evaluation framework consists of 44 requirements regarding service management, data repository, accessibility and legal requirements, sustainability and EOSC architecture compatibility.
This assessment tool was tested on 17 services currently provided by EOSC-Pillar partners, classified as 8 thematic services, 5 research data management services and 4 generic (common) services. The WP7 analysis indicates that the services achieve an overall average (64,67%) level compliance to the service delivery requirements. Hence, they already comply with most of the EOSC on-boarding validation criteria and are ready to serve a broader range of users.