The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem federating research data infrastructures, interlinking FAIR data and interoperable services to support Open Science in Europe and beyond.
The EOSC Portal is a gateway to information and resources in EOSC. It is an evolving platform, co-developed by key European organisations with the support of the European Commission, EU Member States and Associated Countries.
The Horizon 2020 project EOSC Enhance launched a new promotional video for the EOSC Portal offering an overview of its main features.
Ensuring interoperability between catalogues is one of the key tasks for EOSC-Pillar, and alignment with the projects working on the EOSC Portal is crucial. Therefore, our project has also co-organised a workshop with EOSC Enhance and the EOSC regional projects involved in the INFRAEOSC-5 collaboration.
This workshop takes place on 5 July and aims to bring all the key projects with national or thematic catalogues together with the operators and developers of the EOSC Portal with the aim of converging all parallel discussions currently ongoing and produce a definitive roadmap of key milestones to ensure that services or resources onboarded in national or thematic catalogues are smoothly included into the EOSC Catalogue and vice versa.