TU Wien has recently released a series of video interviews to Stefan Hanslik, Austrian delegate of the EOSC Governance Board, addressing some of the most common questions and themes surrounding the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. These clips demonstrate the overall goal of EOSC, the benefits for the research community and the public, as well as the fundamental role played by scientific institutions in the process.
"The EOSC is mainly consisting of European research infrastructures and their corresponding data, and of course the scientific community. It's a pan-European approach where all these stakeholders are working together to finally exchange datasets across disciplines, in what we call the internet of FAIR data and services."
Austria, one of the EU Member States involved in the EOSC-Pillar project, fully supports the European Open Science Cloud. You can also learn more about the national initiatives survey managed by the University of Vienna at this link.
EOSC-Pillar is the regional project aimed at coordinating and harmonising national initiatives across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. Find out more details at this link.