EOSC-Pillar was among the projects involved in the requirements gathering activities carried out by Horizon 2020 project EOSC-Enhance, towards the development of the EOSC Portal requirements.
The EOSC Portal aims to become a key component of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by providing an access point for services and resources for Europe’s research sector. The purpose of the requirements gathering activities was to collect, analyse and prioritise functional and nonfunctional requirements from users, providers and EOSC implementation projects to continuously improve the EOSC Portal functionalities and value proposition.
Our project participated in the first round of consultations together with EOSC-Nordic, as well as with cluster projects such as ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-Life, PaNOSC, and SSHOC, by responding to a questionnaire focusing on the identification of the implementations that are needed most urgently.
Many topics emerged from the first analysis of this initial list, and not all of them can be addressed by EOSC-Enhance alone. Some aspects are more related to governance, such as the discussion about the value proposition of the portal: "is the portal a b2b or a b2c channel?"; "can it act as a proper broker streamlining the contractual aspects of eventual service purchases?". Other issues are already planned as future developments in the project answering to the INFRAEOSC03 call (for example, the addition of the data component).
The requirements listed in the EOSC Portal Requirements deliverable forms just the first set of requirements gathered in the first phase of the EOSC Enhance requirements gathering activity. A full set of requirements prioritised for implementation will be released in October 2020 following a targeted requirements validation and prioritisation workshop in September 28, 2020.