As we entered the crucial year for the development of the European Open Science Cloud, news about the EOSC-related regional projects have started multiplying all around Europe.
The prestigious Institute of Information Science and Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTI) featured EOSC-Pillar in the December issue of its official newsletter, describing it as one of the key innovations in the research landscape concerning the EOSC.
The project "gathers representatives of the fast-growing national initiatives for coordinating data infrastructures and services in Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Belgium", in order to establish an effective model for open science services covering the entire range of European research communities.
One of the main differences between a regional project such as EOSC-Pillar and thematic ones is that "national initiatives are the key of our strategy, for their capacity to attract and coordinate many elements of the complex EOSC ecosystem and for their sustainability", resulting in more resilience for the whole structure. Some of the main pieces of the EOSC will be implemented within a science-driven approach which can then be rolled out in other countries. These initiatives will be combined representing research communities in each country, "with use cases of transnational networks working to implement FAIR data practices."
The piece then highlights the key role of EOSC-Pillar in supporting "the gradual alignment of policy and practice among countries and compliance to EOSC standards," adding that it will be "a catalyst for science-driven transnational open data and open science services offered through the EOSC portal."
The article concludes by mentioning EOSC-Pillar's core vision, "that national initiatives are key to involve user communities and research infrastructures, both as testbeds for solutions but also in their very design and sustainable evolution."
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You can read the full December issue of ISTI News at this link