We were excited to take part in this year's successful edition of the EOSC-hub Week, as our representatives Federica Tanlongo (GARR), Yann Le Franc (CINES), and Volker Beckmann (CNRS-IN2P3) joined key discussions on the future of the European Open Science Cloud at the EOSC Consultation Day and during many breakout sessions.
The latest issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine offers a detailed overview of these three animated days, mentioning EOSC-Pillar's role in collaboration with the other regional projects in organising the successful co-located workshop "National policy developments supporting EOSC implementation". The workshop provided the perfect occasion for us to come together with EOSC-Nordic, EOSC-Synergy, and NI4OS-Europe, to present the first results of our National Initiatives Survey to the wider EOSC Community and discuss the main policy developments on EOSC in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy (full video recording available here).
Read about this and much more in Issue 6 of the Magazine, including crucial updates from EOSC Executive Board Co-Chair Cathrin Stöver on the establishment of the EOSC legal entity, on the road to the Minimum Valuable EOSC by the end of 2020.