The goal of the EOSC-Pillar Work Package 5 “The Data layer: establishing FAIR data services at the national and transnational level” is to establish the settings for an effective sharing, exploitation and reuse of data across initiatives and communities partaking to EOSC-Pillar and beyond. In order to attain this challenging goal, the project leverages and builds upon results from previous and ongoing projects as well as on the experience of the partners in the project.
This combined expertise will provide data providers and data consumers with a dedicated set of services (and accompanying training) supporting the creation of a Federated FAIR Data Space (F2DS) where multiple datasets from separate locations are virtually joined by combining their metadata and are subsequently published in accordance with the FAIR principles.
This F2DS should provide tools for data producers to make their data more compliant with the FAIR principles and any other specific policies, as well as to integrate them with other data across disciplines, which could then be accessed and reused by users through dedicated interfaces.
The use of such federated FAIR data space as piloted in EOSC-Pillar bring multiple advantages. In the F2DS, researchers will be able to search, find and retrieve data via a single access point and toolset. Not only does this save working time by masking the access methods of different sources and offering a single access point through user and programming interfaces (UI and API), but it can also deliver new insights thanks to the proper combination of selected search criteria and content of one or more data-sets.