November 22, 2021


The goal of the EOSC-Pillar Work Package 5 “The Data layer: establishing FAIR data services at the national and transnational level” is to create the settings for an effective sharing, exploitation and reuse of data across initiatives and communities partaking to EOSC-Pillar and beyond. To pursue this challenging goal, the project leverages and builds upon results from previous and ongoing projects as well as on the experience of the partners in the project.

This combined expertise provides data providers and data consumers with a dedicated set of services (and accompanying training) supporting the creation of a data space where multiple datasets from separate locations are virtually joined by combining their metadata and are subsequently published in accordance with the FAIR principles. EOSC-Pillar takes advantage of several scientific use cases ran as part of the project to aggregate research data from heterogeneous sources into a federated environment, also known as the Federated FAIR Data Space (F2DS), which has been developed and deployed in WP5.

The advantage of the F2DS as piloted in EOSC-Pillar, which implementation involves development as well as support and collaboration with domain scientists, is manifold. With a F2DS, researchers will be able to search, find and retrieve data using a single access point and tool set. Not only does this saves working time because it masks the various access methods of different sources and offers a single access point through user and programming interfaces (UI and API), but it can truly deliver new insights, given the proper combination of selected search criteria and content of one or more data-sets is explored in unison.

This document is an update of D5.1, a report accompanying the delivery of the bundle of service instance(s) and providing a short summary of the work, the list of services and how to access them as also described in D5.2. The tool set aims at offering solutions for Research Data Management promoting the implementation of FAIR principles and practices.

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To ease the access to the current state of work, we provide in the table below the list of services together with the partners hosting the services, the access URL and a short description.


Please be aware that these services might not be available continuously because they are periodically updated. In the case where links are not working please contact by email the related contact person to obtain information on the status of the service i.e.:

  • Olivier Rouchon (olivier.rouchon[at] for CINES hosted services
  • Leonardo Candela (leonardo.candela[at] for the D4Science hosted services
Service Hosted by Description
FAIR Data Point API CINES API to access the content of the FAIR Data Point
FAIR Data Point User Interface CINES User Interface to access the content of the FAIR Data Point
FFDS Registration Interface CINES User Interface for repository registration
FAIR Data Point SPARQL search CINES Explore metadata in FDP with SparQL query language
D4Science data catalogue CNR-ISTI (by D4Science) The virtual research environment is available at (for authorised users)
D4Science data catalogue - public use CNR-ISTI (by D4Science) The publicly available version of the catalogue



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