On the road to the final version of Deliverable 7.1, "Guidelines and Recommendations for the Technical Integration of Resources and Services with the EOSC" (due in June 2021), EOSC-Pillar's Work Package 7 "The Infrastructure Layer: Delivering horizontal data storage and computing services" released the first guidelines for the technical integration and federation of resources and services with the EOSC federating core services.
These initial guidelines outlined by INFN were based on the definition of the EOSC-hub project and adapted to the context and needs of EOSC-Pillar, in particular of its use cases.
The EOSC-Pillar project involves partners from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy, coming from quite different situations in terms of national e-infrastructures and services, as well as of participation to international initiatives and projects. Within our project's Work Package 6, several relevant use cases from a variety of research fields have been identified, and additional ones may be included through open calls in 2021.
As for the concept of a federation of services, this document interpreted it as connecting the services with the EOSC, i.e. making them available through the EOSC Catalogue and Marketplace.
The guidelines are intended to be evolving in order to address any additional needs which may emerge during the project lifetime, especially considering the needs of national infrastructures and services within the countries participating in EOSC-Pillar.