The interim EOSC Governance concluded its mandate at the end of 2020, after two years of successful work on the development of the European Open Science Cloud framework.
Over these crucial final months, the EOSC Governance Board, featuring representatives of the EU Member States and Associated Countries, supervised the activities of the EOSC Executive Board Working Groups, which have been finalising the reports on the six key areas identified for their mandate: Architecture, FAIR, Landscape, Rules of Participation, Skills & Training, and Sustainability.
As the EOSC enters its second phase in 2021, characterised by the prominent role taken by the EOSC Association and the newly-formed EOSC Steering Board, members from the previous Governance shared a video message collecting ideas and suggestions for effective implementation of EOSC, further involving stakeholders in the process.
The upcoming steps in the EOSC journey will be shaped on the basis of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, which defines the general framework for future strategic research, development and innovation activities in the context of the EOSC European Partnership proposed under the Horizon Europe Programme.
EOSC-Pillar will play a central role in the implementation phase of the European Open Science Cloud across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy, connecting local and national initiatives to the wider EOSC community. The Legal and policy framework and federation blueprint, recently published by the EOSC-Pillar Work Package 4, moves further in this direction, providing insights and recommendations for this crucial moment in the development of EOSC.
Source: EOSCsecretariat.eu