September 01, 2020


In July 2020, EOSC-Pillar and ERA-Learn, in cooperation with NI4OS-Europe, launched a consultation towards National initiatives and Member States on synergies and complementarities between Horizon 2020 and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).

As many respondents are taking part in the consultation, we decided to extend the deadline to Friday 4 September, you can fill out the questionnaire here!

The objective of the consultation is twofold:

  • to understand how these synergies, during the current programming period, have contributed to implement or upgrade EOSC-related infrastructures and resources,
  • to provide input to the new programming period of the Structural Funds to support participation in the future European Partnership.

The consultation will help identify use cases where national and regional funding in the current programming has enhanced and facilitated the participation of the different partners in EOSC-related initiatives and consequently in the future partnership.

ERA-LEARN is a Coordination and Support Action aimed at supporting the Public-Public-Partnerships (P2P) community, funded by Horizon 2020. The project is a 4-year initiative, following up on its predecessor ERA-LEARN 2020. On behalf of the European Commission, ERA-LEARN operates a unique database of P2P networks, their calls, and funded projects, providing studies and analyses on thematic clustering, internationalization, alignment, and much more.

In preparation for the new European Partnership under Horizon Europe Framework Programme, ERA-LEARN carries out an analysis of synergies among European funds, whose combination strengthens the Research, Development, and Value chain impact  In this framework, the EOSC initiative is a significant scenario for supporting future developments of transnational programme coordination.

In case you missed it, here are the slides and recording of the webinar held on 20 July.


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