Following up on the first release of the EOSC-Pillar guidelines for the technical integration and federation of resources and services with EOSC, EOSC-Pillar's Work Package 7 "The Infrastructure Layer: Delivering horizontal data storage and computing services" recently published the procedures to include national services in EOSC. This is another key step on the road to the final version of Deliverable 7.1, "Guidelines and Recommendations for the Technical Integration of Resources and Services with the EOSC" (due in June 2021).
As of the moment, there are no national catalogues currently operational in the five EOSC-Pillar countries, so this document describes the procedure to onboard services in the EOSC Catalogue and Marketplace. The process is currently operated by the EOSC-hub project and is going to evolve further thanks to the activities carried on by EOSC Enhance, and then by the project which will be funded in the INFRAEOSC-03 call.
The EOSC-Pillar project involves partners from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy, coming from quite different situations in terms of national e-infrastructures and services, as well as of participation to international initiatives and projects. This variety, and the different commitments undertaken by local and national research communities, may impose some constraints to the operations, management and use of the services.
Therefore, one of the first major activities for EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 was a survey to understand the existing procedures at both national and international level, to onboard services into the EOSC catalogue and marketplace. Services are here intended as any kind of mature services, including data repositories.
The goal is to harmonise such procedures and guidelines with the one currently in use across the EOSC landscape. At the national level, there might be the need to onboard services with a Technology Readiness Level lower than 7.