ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) is a forum created by representatives of major Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, with the aim of promoting synergies at the national level, as well as optimising the Italian participation to international challenges, such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the European Data Infrastructure (EDI) and HPC. EOSC-Pillar's project coordinator GARR is an active member of this Forum.
As we have seen all around Europe, also Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures responded to the current COVID-19 crisis by creating new access procedures to scientific data and facilities.
ICDI provided support to the survey on Open infrastructure resources supporting research on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in Italy, which was launched by the Italian ESFRI delegates and the national representative in the EOSC Governance Board. The results of the survey were summarised in a document submitted to the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research, to the EOSC Governing Board and to ESFRI.
It is worth highlighting that the Italian and European infrastructures have quickly adopted interactive remote access procedures for their users, also in consideration of the difficulty to foresee when restrictions to national and international mobility would be lifted. As of the moment, Research Infrastructures capable of offering remote access to observing and experimental facilities and open data through EOSC will be the backbone of European Research.