May 18, 2020
18 May 2020 - 09:00 to 17:00

The EOSC Executive Board hosts the EOSC Consultation Day on 18 May 2020, co-located with EOSC-hub Week 2020. It will be a public event to bring together key players in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and to gather feedback and input from EOSC stakeholders on all the latest released documents.

By participating, you will be able to:

  • Attend one of the several public consultation sessions, proactively contributing to the work of the EOSC Executive Board.
  • Learn about the EOSC Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda.
  • Cultivate synergies and network across multiple initiatives and projects.
  • Share relevant feedback and input on the EOSC documents.

Register now!

An exciting agenda was prepared for all the attendees, see the programme here.

EOSC-Pillar is also joining the other EOSC regional projects on the 20th of May for the joint workshop "National Policy Developments Supporting EOSC Implementation", please find more details here.


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