July 20, 2020
20 July 2020 - 12:00 to 13:30

EOSC-Pillar organised this webinar in cooperation with ERA-Learn to launch a consultation towards National initiatives and Member States on synergies and complementarities between Horizon 2020 and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). 

The consultation objective is twofold:

  • to understand how these synergies, during the current programming period, have contributed to implement or upgrade EOSC-related infrastructures and resources,
  • to provide input to the new programming period of the Structural Funds to support participation in the future European Partnership.

The webinar will provide directions and timing about the consultation, that will be conducted from 20 July to 31 August, for identifying use cases where national and regional funding in the current programming has enhanced and facilitated the participation of the different partners in EOSC-related initiatives and consequently in the future partnership.


12.00-12.15 Introduction to the consultation: Federica Tanlongo, EOSC-Pillar

12.15-12.30 European Partnerships: synergies with ESI Funds: Maria Bianco, ERA-Learn

12.30-12.45 Use cases on national and regional funding: Donatella Lucchesi, INFN

12.45-13.20 Open discussion

13.20-13.30 Wrap-up and further work




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