On 20th July, the EOSC Executive Board will open a public consultation aimed at defining the priorities of the future Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The input received via the consultation will be used to draft the SRIA 1.0 document that will be published before the end of the year to accompany the MoU which will be signed between the EOSC Association and the European Commission, to officially kick-off the EOSC co-programmed partnership.
The SRIA 1.0 document will feed into the European Commission work programmes which will define future projects and funding under Horizon Europe. It is therefore fundamental that the views of all actors in the European Research and Innovation area are well-reflected in the SRIA document.
The EOSC Executive Board therefore strongly encourage those not directly or even indirectly involved in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, to respond to the SRIA open consultation.
The consultation will be in the form of an online questionnaire available on the EOSCSecretariat.eu website. The consultation will run for 6 weeks over the summer, closing 31st August.