The full results of the EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives survey have been published on our Zenodo Community.
The EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives Survey Work Package designed and conducted a set of surveys to assess the state of the art of national initiatives in the area of research infrastructures.
To achieve its purpose and to gain a comprehensive picture of the European infrastructure landscape, the team involved 2,204 organisations (funding bodies, universities, research infrastructures, and e-infrastructures) in five countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy) to participate in the ‘National Initiatives’ Survey. 688 representatives (31%) responded to the survey and answered a variety of questions, including a description of services offered by e-infrastructures, as well as business models of e-infrastructures and regulations for funding, roadmaps, and users.
Furthermore, the team asked e-infrastructures questions on service level agreements and how they grant access to data. Several of the questions were dedicated to repositories with the aim to assess their characteristics as well as the FAIRness of their data holdings with detailed questions. Another block of questions was dedicated to regulations on open science and perceptions of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Follow the next steps of the EOSC-Pillar journey, as we approach the EOSC Symposium 2020 and move towards the first iteration of the European Open Science Cloud.
Check out the full report of the National Initiatives survey on the EOSC-Pillar Zenodo Community!