The open consultation for the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) closed on the 31st of August, collecting relevant input from the EOSC community to help shape the future vision of the European Open Science Cloud.
The open consultation, coordinated by our sister project EOSCsecretariat.eu, was part of the move towards the next phase of the EOSC.
We were pleased to provide our feedback, bringing together the views of key actors from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy, highlighting the importance of the relationship between the national, regional, and European levels.
The current draft of the EOSC SRIA document, on which the consultation was based, is available at this link. Please find a recap of our main comments below.
Regarding the Guiding Principles, we raised the following points:
While the EOSC-Pillar consortium generally agreed with the proposed Action Areas (AA), we suggested that AA2 - Metadata and Ontologies should expand into ensuring that metadata contain all needed pieces of information to make scientific results replicable/verifiable.
In addition, we proposed that some potential Action Areas be taken into account for the future:
We believe that the activities on most priorities should start now, even for those marked "before 2028", and no activity will be concluded by a specific year. Most priorities will need to see 90% of a first iteration to be done by 2024, or 2026.
As for the level of priorities, we believe that all of them should be tackled with this “hierarchy” in mind: European, national, institutional; hopefully, all of these agendas should be aligned. For some points closer to the individual researcher (such as Priority 7 on feedback mechanisms for users), "Institutional"/"National" have been marked top of the list.
All statements are relevant: we marked "Neutral" when we did not think they would fit a KPI definition. Those statements are more like "areas" within which to define real measurable KPIs.
It is worth mentioning that a consultation, conceived by the INFRAEOSC-05 projects from an idea discussed with the EOSC Landscape Working Group, is ongoing on the indicators to be used to monitor and assess the EOSC development at the level of MS. The idea is to move from a static landscape to a set of living indicators, and select a set of relevant aspects to be monitored to accomplish this objective. The working proposal that is the object of the consultation builds on the results of the first version of the Landscape WG report and the INFRAEOSC-05 projects’ surveys on National OS Initiatives. All the indicators in the proposal are intended to be quantitative. The results of this consultation will be shared in autumn 2020.
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) could support EU-coordinated broadband implementation initiatives to truly overcome the digital divide. Synergy with ESIF can support the kick-starting and the long-term sustainability of the (e-)infrastructures on which the EOSC will be created.
Over the summer, EOSC-Pillar also carried out a consultation in collaboration with ERA-LEARN on the synergies between Horizon and ESIF in the EOSC Partnership. Feedback is currently being analysed and will be taken into account in our upcoming activities. You can rewatch the recording of our webinar on this subject, held on 20 July 2020, at this link.
If we consider "core" components, these need to be managed by a limited number of projects, well-aligned among themselves.
If EOSC is going to be multi-stakeholder and trans-community, then some fragmentation is inevitable, and even desired (to ensure all diverse research components are represented): unification/alignment would happen at the level of structures like the "regional coordination board" which is being set up by INFRAEOSC-05 projects.
We are looking forward to reading the next version of the SRIA document and to taking part in the EOSC Symposium 2020, where the EOSC community will come together online to discuss the latest developments of our undertaking, on the road to the next phase of EOSC.