On 20th and 22nd October universities in Belgium hosted a series of webinars as part of the international Open Access Week 2020. The webinars are aimed at professionals that have a role in supporting researchers, and covered different topics related to Open Science organized around four thematic sessions:
During the session on Skills development for Open Science, the EOSC-Pillar Training and Support Catalogue - developed in the context of our Work Package 5 "Establishing FAIR Data Services" - was presented to an audience of more than 100 participants. The presentation was preceded by a talk about the EOSC Skills and Training Working Group, which helped to frame this EOSC-Pillar task and the project efforts to contribute to a wider EOSC knowledge hub that will help in advancing the development of skills and competences to realise the EOSC. A preview of the catalogue was provided and some participants showed interest in knowing which standards and terms are being currently used to describe the catalogue resources. The opportunity was also used to promote our following webinar on 12th November which will present and give a demo about the Training and Support Catalogue, and will gather feedback from its potential users.
Browse the Catalogue by clicking on the button below!