July 01, 2021
01 July 2021 - 09:00 to 13:00


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative aims to support data-driven research and innovation through shared services and digital facilities enabling archiving, management, access, reuse and further analysis of publicly funded research data and advanced digital objects. Services and digital facilities should operate in accordance with the FAIR principles and policies across disciplines and borders to better deliver scientific and societal benefits

Such a vision requires a science-driven shaping strategy, built on a proper understanding of the needs and practices of research communities and organizations and the way these needs are currently satisfied. It also requires understanding of the various challenges and barriers to the development of sustainable business models.


The main objective of this webinar, co-organised by EOSC-Pillar and NI4OS-Europe, is to discuss current practices in business models. The topics cover open data portals, research and e-infrastructures, digital infrastructures, etc. (funding, procurement strategies, service procurement, data access policy, etc.). 


Representatives of International and European organisations (e.g., WDS, ISC/CODATA, RDA, etc), national funding agencies and related EOSC working groups and projects

Main Topics

  • Topic 1: Current practices, gaps and barriers in funding / revenue models
  • Topic 2: Policy, legal frameworks & data access conditions;
  • Topic 3: Services procurement strategies; 
  • Topic 4: Roadmaps and strategies of funding bodies’.

Main Takeaway

Provide science-driven recommendations and guidelines for sustainable business models and procurement requirement strategies.





Welcome note & programme

Rob Carrillo (TRUST-IT)

9:00 - 9:05

Business model task overview

Jean-Pierre Vilotte & Maryvonne Gerin (CNRS)

9:05 – 9:20

Webinar introduction and objectives

Chady Jabbour (CNRS)

9:20 – 9:30

Introduction of participants

Moderator: Federica Tanlongo (GARR)

9:30 – 9:35


  1. Bob Jones (Director EOSC Association)

EOSC potential business models and funding schemes

9:35 – 9:55

  1. Simon Hodson (Executive Director CODATA)

Business models for sustainable research data repositories

  1. Ingrid Dillo (Deputy Director DANS)

Business models for long-term data preservation

9:55 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:25

  1. Hilary Hanahoe (Secretary General RDA)

Consolidating and sustaining infrastructures: the Research Data Alliance experience

10:35 – 10:55

  1. Joep Crompvoets (Secretary General EuroSDR)

Open Data Ecosystem in Europe

10:55 – 11:15


Guided Discussion and Q&A

Françoise Genova (CDS)

Frederic Huynh (Data TERRA)

Eleni Toli (Athena RC)

Jos van Wezel (KIT)

11:50 – 12:50



12:50 – 13:00

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