Over the course of 2021, the EOSC-Pillar Work Package "From national initiatives to transnational services" worked on the development of a prototype for national service registries, providing a first example for the Italian research community on the D4Science platform.
This prototype can be found at this link is characterised by two main features:
The D4Science infrastructure was chosen as it allows developers to create dedicated working environments to serve designated communities by providing them with the requested services. Among other things, these environments can be equipped with a customisable Catalogue for documenting and publishing relevant items, making them easily discoverable.
The model adopted takes into account a range of key aspects:
For this first prototype developed for the Italian community, representatives of the ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) which are partners in EOSC-Pillar were involved to onboard their services in the dedicated registry. The initial version of this environment was created in the summer of 2020, and became fully operational in 2021, with the first set of onboarded providers and resources. The registry is also described in the public deliverable D4.4 National Service Registry Prototype.