Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 1065 of /var/www/vhosts/eoscpillar/includes/
The prestigious CNR-ISTI in Italy featured EOSC-Pillar in the December issue of its official newsletter, describing it as one of the key innovations in the research landscape concerning the EOSC
After a three-year development, the European Open Science Cloud is finally on its course to seeing the light. Fulvio Galeazzi and Federica Tanlongo have described the EOSC project in depth on the GARR News website.
Officially kicked off on 5 July 2019 in Rome, for the next 3 years, EOSC-Pillar will coordinate national Open Science efforts in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy.